BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:Spatie calendar-links BEGIN:VEVENT UID:0737ff3c723747923e30e1660fc78ccc SUMMARY:Youth Mental Health First Aid (Refresher) - Killara/Middle Harbour Scout Hall (1 pm - 5 pm) DTSTAMP:20240615T030000Z DTSTART:20240615T030000Z DTEND:20240615T070000Z DESCRIPTION:MHFA course is based on guidelines developed through the expert consensus of people with lived experience of mental health problems and professionals. The course equips adults with the skills to recognize and respond to an adolescent who may be experiencing a mental health problem or crisis situation. Using a practical\, evidence-based action plan\, Youth MHFA teaches participants how to support an adolescent until appropriate professional help is received or the crisis resolves. Providing Youth Mental Health First Aid training can help whole communities to: INTERVENE EARLY Recognize the warning signs of mental health problems in young people. PROVIDE SKILLS Provide the skills needed to speak openly and accurately about mental health RESPOND IN A CRISIS Respond in crisis situations where a young person may be at risk of harm. REDUCE STIGMA Reduce stigma and increase support for young people with mental health problems. Evaluations consistently show that Mental Health First Aid training improves a participant’s knowledge of mental illnesses\, their treatments and appropriate first aid strategies\, and confidence in providing first aid to individuals with mental illness. MHFA courses have also seen show to decrease stigma and increase help seeking behaviours. For more info\, go to: LOCATION:Killara/Middle Harbour\, Scout Hall\, 2D Carlyle Road\, East Lindfield END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR