BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:Spatie calendar-links BEGIN:VEVENT UID:cd203e6e7d1da0c48a3e63ff69a05e57 SUMMARY:Waratah 2020: The COVID-19 Edition DTSTAMP:20201114T200000Z DTSTART:20201114T200000Z DTEND:20201115T060000Z DESCRIPTION:Waratah is the annual GWS Region Venturer Actviity\, held in mid-November of each year. Its aim is to provide participants with a large multifaceted problem that requires Venturer Scouts to use a wide variety of Scouting Skills to solve. It is also a chance for participants to socialise in a unique and fun-filled environment.\n\nBilled as the Challenge of a Lifetime\, Waratah is built up from the ground each year and provides Venturer Scouts with unique activities that they may not experience in their day to day lives. It also promotes a vision of teamwork and inclusion both through its program . Over the last several years\, Waratahs following has grown significantly and now forms a major feature of the GWS Venturers Calendar. For more info\, go to: LOCATION:Greater Western Sydney Area\, To Be Advised END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR