BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:Spatie calendar-links BEGIN:VEVENT UID:a1e3d20f483db7d79a2546893dad5bd8 SUMMARY:The Great SCOUTdoors DTSTAMP:20211029T070000Z DTSTART:20211029T070000Z DTEND:20211031T040000Z DESCRIPTION:'The Great SCOUTdoors' is an open invitation event to Scouts and Families around Australia and further afield\, hosted by Scouts NSW. The event is to be held from Friday 29 October through to Sunday 31 October.\nIt is a Patrol based event full of challenging activities for Scouts of all ages including Leaders and Supporters.\nThe Cost is $10 per person in the Patrol. Every participant will receive an event badge.\nPrizes will be awarded to winning Patrols from each Region\, as well as the winning Youth Patrol and winning Adult Patrol.\nFor those that have been unable to form or join a Patrol\, we are now accepting Individual applications and have included challenges that can be completed as an individual. For more info\, go to: END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR