BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:Spatie calendar-links BEGIN:VEVENT UID:118e69e9dbad095bc0238cf3f9cab035 SUMMARY:Hawkesbury River canoe journey DTSTAMP:20221021T223000Z DTSTART:20221021T223000Z DTEND:20221023T053000Z DESCRIPTION:This is an overnight canoe journey on the Hawkesbury River from Hawkesbury River Bridge to Gentleman's Halt bush campsite and return. It is aimed at Scouts\, Ventures\, Rovers and leaders. \nThe activity open to current scout members whom have participated in a Hume Region Canoe skills weekend or similar. OR\nHave recognized Canoe / Kayak qualifications OR\nWhom have a current canoe/kayak log. \nDistance: approx. 12km to the campsite\, Total for weekend approx. 25km. For more info\, go to: LOCATION:Deerrubbun Reserve\, Mooney Mooney\, Deerrubbun Reserve\, Mooney Mooney (north side of Hawkesbury River Bridge) END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR