BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:Spatie calendar-links BEGIN:VEVENT UID:d1f2068b60ab47bf27afb4d91119f085 SUMMARY:Orama Cub Scout Leadership course DTSTAMP:20230318T220000Z DTSTART:20230318T220000Z DTEND:20230319T043000Z DESCRIPTION:North Coast Region - Orama District Cub Scout Leadership Course March 2023\n \nThe Cub Scout Leadership Course provides training for current and potential Patrol Leaders and Assistant Patrol leaders. In order for you to attend the Cub Scout Leadership Course you must be nominated by your Cub Scout Leader.\n \nThe aim of this course is to provide suitable leadership skills\, using a practical approach\, for Cub Scouts who may be appointed to leadership roles within their Cub Scout Units.\n \nSessions will include such things as:\n \n Leadership\n Problem solving\n Challenges\n Pack Councils\n Teamwork\n Breaking the Cycle\n \n This is a great opportunity to gain some Leadership skills.\n \nYou will gain skills and knowledge you can take back to your Group and Unit and put into practice.\n \nYouth will be participating in a one day leadership course. \nAll participants will be required to bring the following: \n \n* Arrive in full uniform\n* Snacks and lunch for the day\n* Full water bottle (enough for the day)\nAll participants will be required to follow all social distancing requirements as well as public health orders. If you are unwell please do not attend. \nSanitiser will be provided\, however participants are welcome to bring their own for the day. \n \n \nCost for Cubs is $13.00 and Leaders\, Adult Helpers and Youth Helpers $5.00 For more info\, go to: LOCATION:Bellingen Scout hall\, 12 Bowra St\, Bellingen NSW 2454 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR