TEST ENVIRONMENT: Last database refresh from PROD 2/7/2024

Cuboree 2023: Explore the World - Contractor Applications

Event Details
Fri 29th Sep 2023 (8am) to Tue 3rd Oct 2023 (11am)
Cataract Activity Centre
Baden Powell Dr, Appin NSW 2560, Australia
Google Map
Contractor - Free
Open: Fri 8th Sep 2023 (12am)
Close: Thu 28th Sep 2023 (12am)
Cuboree Organising Team
Cuboree 2023 Organising Team
Brief Summary:
The NSW Cuboree is a 5 day standing camp for Cub Scouts. It is an amazing event which brings together Cub Scouts from all across NSW! The Cub Scouts will have a really great time and get to make lots of new friends. The upcoming 7th NSW Cuboree "Explore the World" will be held between the 29th September and 3rd October 2023 at Cataract Activity Centre with Day Workers being sought for a maximum of up to 3 days between the 30th Sept and 2nd October. For more information, visit https://cuboree.nsw.scouts.com.au or contact cuboree@nsw.scouts.com.au.
Additional Information

Contractors Registrations

Welcome to the contractors applications page for the 7th NSW Cuboree 2023 - Explore the World! Contractors are members of organsiations that are supporting this event such as First Aid, Entertainment, Transport. 

If you have not had a chance yet, have a look at our Webpage at https://cuboree.nsw.scouts.com.au. Here you will find the latest news, eligibity requirements and information about costs, activities, and much more!

This application system is for contractors only. Please ensure that you read all of the below information carefully as refunds will not be provided for incorrect applications.It is envisaged that the Scouts NSW team member responsible for this area will generate the application and the individual contractor will complete the e-permission form.

Who is eligblie to come as a Contractor?

Contractor applictions are for people who:

  • Attend the 2023 Cuboree as a Service Leader working in areas of support such as Administration, Program, Catering or Communications. It is not for parents, participants, or leaders who wish to attend as a member of Scouts NSW.
  • Are willing to attend for a maximum of 3 days between the 30th September and the 2nd October only.
  • Are willing to travel to and from the event independantly, park in the Cuboree Car Park located near the front gate at the top of the site and walk into the site.

Requirements for Contractors

  • Must have an agreement with the Cuboree to provide goods or services for the event.
  • Must be over the age of 18 and hold a valid Working with Children Check and Police Clearence that has been registered with Scouts NSW or be willing to conduct business under Direct Supervision of an adult member of Scouts NSW.
  • Must have completed their registration and e-permission form before attending site.

Requirements for Registration

It is envisaged that the Scouts NSW team member engaging the contractor will complete the initial registration. To do this you will need:

  • The legal name of the contractor
  • The contractors e-mail address

E-Permission Active What is this?
Registrations Closed